Latchford Dam Replacement

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Produce more walleye in the Montreal River.

Fish Habitat Creation, Fisheries Act Authorization


Redesign the fish habitat works that previously failed following the reconstruction of the Latchford Dam on the Montreal River.


G3 Gauvreau GeoEnvironmental Group Inc. provides project management, consulting and engineering services on mining, resource and infrastructure projects across Canada and Internationally.


Public Works and Government Services Canada was issued a Fisheries Act Authorization that required that walleye spawning facilities be constructed to compensate for the damage to habitat as a result of the dam reconstruction. The constructed walleye spawning facilities failed after the first season. They needed an experienced and knowledgeable consultant that was familiar with this location to redesign the walleye spawning facility to comply with their Authorization.


FRi Ecological Services redesigned the compensation works based on local knowledge of historical walleye spawning activity and recognizing the anticipated dam discharge rates and flow velocities. The construction was supervised by our staff to ensure the design was implemented correctly.


Public Works and Government Services Canada has now complied with the Fisheries Act Authorization and the walleye spawning facility is functioning as planned.